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Questions & Answers

What happens at a Liquid Love session?

Each session has a different group of people, and therefore each session is different. However, to give you some idea of the flow of a session, we begin by getting to know each other and relax in a clothed welcome circle. As we talk about the experience we are going to share, consent, safety, how to touch in the oil. You will then be invited to remove you’re clothes (as many as you feel comfortable removing - see note below). In a circle we will go through gentle guided breathing and body warms ups to prepare our minds and bodies before we lie down in the oil. 
As warm oil is poured over the body, you will be guided through an exploration of yourself and others around you. We encourage non-verbal communication in this part of the afternoon. Once the guided session is over you are welcome to relax in the space as we help guide you to gently wipe off the excess oil with paper and hot towels provided, you will also be given a microfiber towel to wrap your hair into a turban to absorb the oil if you wish. Please note there are not shower facilities at the venue so take this into consideration for your plans for the rest of the evening once you depart - you will be well moisturized to say the least!


Bring a friend - The PAL System

It is important to us to create a safe, trusting, and responsible environment where you can feel comfortable in the presence of other people in the group. To help us with this we are using the PAL System.

The PAL System asks that you attend a session together with someone you know and trust – a PAL.

* Please book and arrive to a session with your PAL. You will not be able to join the session if your PAL fails to turn up, and we will not be able to refund your costs/tickets.
* You and your PAL must both pay for a space in the session
*Your PAL does NOT have to be someone who has already attended a session with us. 
* Due to the intimate size of our sessions we ask that you do not PAL with more than one person. 
* We ask that your PAL is someone you know well and trust. You are both accountable for the behaviour of the other. Please keep this in mind when agreeing to PAL another person.
* Your PAL does not have to be a lover or a partner. Your PAL can be any friend or even a relative.
(The PAL System is Creative Commons licensed to Kinky Salon San Francisco)

If you do not have a PAL but are still interested in coming please contact us.


Do I have to be naked?

Our sessions are clothing optional. We invite participants, following our introduction, to undress to whatever level they feel comfortable with – bearing in mind that whatever you choose to leave on will inevitably be covered in oil.
There will be nudity in the room and it's important that you feel at ease with it.


Will I be touched by other people / Can I touch other people?

Again, each session is different. You are not expected to touch anyone, and you do not have to be touched by anyone. Within the space you are able to experience Liquid Love on your own, or interact with those comfortable with touching and/or being touched. We invite you to explore both dynamics during your session.
We view Liquid Love as a unique skin-contact experience. We invite you to be open to both touching as well as being touched. We particularly invite you to explore touch using parts of the body we do not usually touch with – our stomachs, our noses, our feet, our shoulders, our heads, our buttocks, our eyelashes, and so on.
We ask that you constantly check-in with the people you are interacting with so to ensure that you are not crossing their personal boundaries.
We ask participants to practice a ‘two-taps’ signal to clearly indicate that you do not wish to be touched. We demonstrate this to all participants during our initial conversation and ask you to respect the system during the session.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable, for whatever reason, we ask you to raise your hand so that your facilitators can quickly attend to you.
The space is safely and responsibly held throughout the session. Within the boundaries discussed at the outset, you are invited to explore the experience in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable.


Who can attend?

Unless it's a gender specific event, Liquid Love is for everyone - with any sexual orientation you identify with.
The experience allows for trans/inter-personal connections.

 There is an atmosphere of respect and acceptance at all times. We invite you to move into a space of welcoming and appreciating everyone. 

However, for sake of safety of the group, each participant not known by the Host will have to have a short telephone interview before accepted to the event.


Do I have to be attracted to women/men to attend?

Absolutely not, this is a space open for all women/men regardless of sexual orientation and preferences. We invite you to move and allow yourself to be moved without intentions or sexual orientation. Releasing our usual desire to take action on erotic sensations and thoughts we invite you to be present with them and to relax into the energetic flow of the bodies around you. This is a place where you can love and be loved in an impersonal and unbound manner and above all a place to relax into your body and 'go with the oil'.

Will the oil get in my eyes?

Depending on the session and the way you interact with yourself and others, this may occur. We use a thin olive oil or similar , which, in our experience, is gentlest on the eyes. Some people may feel a mild sting, or experience hazy vision if oil gets in their eyes.
Your facilitators have paper-towels on hand throughout the session. If at any point you would like to wipe your eyes, simply raise your hand and a paper towel will be brought to you.


What should I bring?

~A lot of positive energy to share around
~One or two towels you are not too precious about – they will be oily
~Comfortable clothes that you are not too precious about, again because of the oil
~We kindly ask that you arrive washed, clean and fresh for the session.


I have piercings / jewellery – is this okay?

For the safety of all the other people taking part in the session, we ask that you remove all sharp/pointy piercings and jewellery. We will provide the group with a small box or space, where you may leave your belongings for the duration of the session.

Hygiene, health & safety

As this is an intimate event we expect you take responsibility and advise us as soon as possible if you are sick or have any contagious health concern as you won't be able to attend. 
No open cuts or wounds
Please ensure your nails (fingers and toes) are trimmed and not sharp 
Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time freshly washed and clean, this is a very intimate event so please ensure you wear deodorant.
In case our venue has no shower facilities you are welcome to freshen up in the bathroom. 


What if I have my period?

We advise a moon cup/tampon for the duration of the guided oil segment of the event.  For hygiene purposes a sanitary towel won't be appropriate.

What if I'm pregnant?

You're most welcome but please advise us upon booking or as soon as you know.
We are very discrete and friendly so if any of the above is of concern please contact us.


First timers:

If you haven't been to a Liquid Love before or are not known to us then please introduce yourself via txt/whatsapp/email stating:
- your name, contact number to have a quick phone chat
- how you heard about Liquid Love
- what interests you about attending
. We take safety and acceptance very seriously so we like to ensure that you have fully understood the information above and the special environment that we seek to create.


What Liquid Love is not:

- It’s not a sex party. If you intend to join to find a sexual partner, you are in the wrong place.
We invite sensuality and inter-human connectivity.
- A dating place. The purpose is to let go of Agendas and ambitions, so leave it outside the door.
- A pick-up place.
- Anything goes event. Quite opposite, it’s ALL about Consent and respecting Boundaries. doubt, you will make some new friends.

The experience is created for you, not for you to impose yourself on others unwanted and non-consensual.

                         *** If we all are Givers, then we can all also be Receivers. ***

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